Thursday 25 August 2011

99.5% of people in the UK are not vegan [1] – a complete failure to break into the mainstream.

Every one of us and every generation has only limited time and resources to contribute. And the cultural shift will take many generations. We need to understand the power, magnitude and momentum of the consumer juggernaut; the massive inertia of cultural habit and apathy.

We can't base our advocacy on what appeals to us - we have to honestly evaluate how our efforts will actually play out with the meat-eating public. We must each stick our oar in and use the strategy that maximises the effectiveness of our efforts for the animals. Thorough, smart analysis must drive our activism; we need changes that do more than simply make us feel better about being active.

Animal rights only ever recruits from the same limited pool of people with leanings towards counterculture, anti-government, anti-capitalism etc - yet it is rare for any person in mainstream society not to be against animal cruelty. How have we failed to tap into this?

How can we improve and get the ordinary person interested?
Read on to the next page to find out...